The purpose of the VFW Recognition Program is an organization of wartime veterans and their spouses, the VFW and Auxiliary understand the need to recognize and honor those individuals who have performed above and beyond their peers placing the safety and welfare of others above their own.

Each year, the Veterans of Foreign Wars selects emergency medical technicians, law enforcement and firefighter personnel to receive VFW Public Servant Awards. 
 Click HERE for the Nomination Form.
Criteria Information - Click HERE!
Documentation required for all Candidates 
  • 1) Nomination letter containing the candidate’s name, title, address, telephone and identifying the          award for which the individual should be considered.
  • 2) One (1) page resume of the candidate’s overall background.
    3) One (1) page resume of the candidate’s background in their field.
  • 4) One (1) page listing of the candidate’s accomplishment and awards in their field.
  • 5) Photograph (preferably a head shot) of the candidate.

 To nominate someone for the VFW  Public Servant Awards for 2019-2020 from Post 6605,  Complete the form then submit to the Post Safety Chairman.